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About Us

Welcome to the website of our Weimaraner Kennel
Forest Treasure kennel
Our story

It all started when I was very little. I have always loved animals and mostly dogs. As a kid, I wanted my own dog. When I was 7, I got a Labrador for Christmas. Thanks to her, I learned everything from scratch. I walked her myself, fed her and also started to train her. After some time, I got another Labrador. I devoted my time to them and trained them.

Loving animals as much as I did, I enrolled in a Veterinary Secondary School after I had finished my primary education. I wanted to be close to animals, help them and learn more about them.

After a while, the younger Labrador passed too and I was looking for someone to help me fill the void. Naturally, I was considering only Labradors at first, however, I felt in my heart that nobody would compare to my two girls. Because I was looking only at Labradors at first, I came across the Emerald Marvel Kennel, which also breeds Weimaraners. And I was torn…

Coming from a family of hunters, I knew of hunting dogs but I never considered getting one. However, the moment I saw them, I knew. I immediately got in touch with the station and then waited for the female to be mated. Not long after, I picked up my first puppy.

Little Chelsea made my fall in love with this breed and I knew that this is the breed I would do anything for.

Despite not having a clue about shows and hunting training, I dove right in. We would start attending to shows from her early age and we both learned how to do it. Thanks to a brilliant trainer and even better dog, training went smoothly.




Thanks to the great breeder Tereza Křížová, we could join walks of dogs born in this kennel. Well, and that’s where I met Peter. Peter got a dog named Cali from the same litter. His reason for getting this puppy was different – Peter got him for working purposes, as he works as a forester and hunting is his biggest passion. He always wanted a Weimaraner and so his dream came true. Not long after, there were four of us, haha. We started living together, train our grey sweethearts, go on shows and first tests. And since we want to breed both of them, we decided to open the Forest Treasure Kennel.