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Litter "A"



red girlčf

MH: N/N clear (po rodičích)
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DM: N/N clear (po rodičích)
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orange girlof

MH: N/N clear (po rodičích)
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DM: N/N clear (po rodičích)
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pink girl

MH: N/N clear (po rodičích)rrz
HUU: N/N clear (po rodičích)
DM: N/N clear (po rodičích)
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green boy

MH: N/N clear (po rodičích)zp
HUU: N/N clear (po rodičích)
DM: N/N clear (po rodičích)
HYM: N/N clear (po rodičích)
SD: N/N clear (po rodičích)



white girl

MH: N/N clear (po rodičích)bl
HUU: N/N clear (po rodičích)
DM: N/N clear (po rodičích)
HYM: N/N clear (po rodičích)
SD: N/N clear (po rodičích)



blue boy

MH: N/N clear (po rodičích)mp
HUU: N/N clear (po rodičích)
DM: N/N clear (po rodičích)
HYM: N/N clear (po rodičích)
SD: N/N clear (po rodičích)





Litter A


Litter information. It is a combination of Czech and English blood. The sire of the litter also has American blood and to a lesser extent Czech blood. His parents and grandparents are champions of multiple countries and have passed hunting exams.

Travis' father, Mojo, is a Hungarian dog descended from the English-American bloodline. His mother Gunalt Tempting is a imported from England to Hungary. Travis' dam, Coreen Love de Donawitz, is very successful both in the show field and in the working field. She is a multi show champion, she also has the highest titles, International Show Champion and International Champion of Beauty.He has passed the all-round hunting tests, so he is a versatile pointer, apart from them he has all the tests that a pointer can have, i.e. from aptitude tests through autumn, water to forest and bloodhound trials.

Cora's sire, Sireva Minstergate Paganini – Axel, is Show Champion of England and has passed SGWC (aptitude tests). He managed to get BIS twice at the weimaraner club show and also won RCC – the second best dog in the breed (out of 200 registered dogs) at the most prestigious show in England, Cruft's. It is also an excellent working dog, which is widely used in hunting practice.Axel's sire Sireva Twister is a great working dog. Its extraordinary hunting qualities were used mainly by kennels in England, which specialized in breeding working lines of Weimaraners. Cora's mother, Eternal Vision At Sirius Nova – Gina, comes from one of the most successful kennels in the Czech Republic, Sirius Nova.She is one of the females from the very successful litter E, where 14 puppies were born. Gina is a multiple Juniorchampion, Champion and Grand Champion. She is also International Champion of C.I.B. and International Show Champion C.I.E.

Also worth mentioning is her father, Sireva Drake Sirius Nova. He has the title C.I.B., he is Champion CZ,SK,PL,AT,DE,LUX,HR, juniorchampion CZ,SK,LUX,AT, VETERAN CHAMPION. He also has hunting exams ZV, SZVP, PZ, LZ, VZ.


On the mother's side, the pedigree contains mainly ancestors focused on the working side, but we can also find show champions.

Arniee, the father of Chelsea, his English bloodlines stand out especially for their longevity, it is no exception that his ancestors lived to be 13 - 16 years old. Arniee's father, grandfather and great-grandfather were very successful stud dogs who had a significant impact on breeding in the UK.All of them were very successful at shows, Logan (grandfather) was one of the most successful weimaraners of recent times, he won several times the winner of the breed at Crufts (the most prestigious show in Europe).

Arniee's mother, Dixie, is a multiple champion, very successful at shows. Her mother, Isa z Mandátu, is a purely Czech bloodline, she is Interchampion, Grand Champion, Multichampion and has many other titles, she is also a versatile. Her father, a dog imported from England to the Czech Republic, also a versatile dog and a champion of beauty.  Dixie and both of her parents, such as Isa from Mandate and Hollieseast Silver Saracen, are candidates for the Working Champion.
Arniee himself is also successful at shows, he is champion of several countries, show champion and junior champion. It also works perfectly in the field, excelling above all in its solid exposure. He loves water and therefore it is no wonder that he won the Water Work Exam. It is used in hunting practice on small game hunts and is also often called upon to hunt in difficult mountain terrains, where it is highly valued for its perfect nose and carefully done work.Arniee has a great character, he is very friendly, he gets along with and dogs, he is a great cuddler.

Any, mother of Chelsey is Champion of Beauty of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Grand Champion of Beauty of the Czech Republic, Veteran Champion and she has already won the title C.I.E.-V. Her biggest success was the victory of the open class at the Weimaraner Club Show, where she defeated 13 other females and won the CAC title! Any has passed autumn and water work exams in I. price, she is an excellent retriever and waterman, fast in the field, she has an excellent very fine nose, she can smell game at a long distance. It exhibits and progresses perfectly. It is very sharp on vermin. An excellent babysitter, she won't let anyone else into the house. It is used in hunting practice - on small game hunts and on aftermaths.
The grandmother of the, the great-grandfather and beyond were versatile dogs. Chelsea's great-grandfather was even a champion of work and also passed all-round exams. Grandma Chelsea, Fatima z Šonovské hory, has passed autumn, forest, water and all-round exams. Her sire Baron od Jituše has also passed the autumn, forest, water and all-round exams several times. It is also worth mentioning his sire German dog Cent vom Pfadelsberg, also a versatile dog and a widely used stallion in Germany, as well as his sire Erbo von der Lippe.

From her side of the pedigree it is worth mentioning Vir z Hajnice, who was not only successful at shows but also in terms of work. Vir was Czech and Slovak Champion of Beauty, he had several aptitude tests, autumn, forest, water and all-round. In addition, he also passed the German hunting fitness exams and successfully completed the highest possible memorial for pointers in the Czech Republic – the Richard Knoll Memorial (VZ),  from which he qualified and succeeded at the Karel Podhajský Memorial.

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Chelsea and Travis are above standard checked, so puppies will be automatically negative to the diseases for which the parents have been tested.

Both of them have X-rays of their hips, X-rays of their elbows. There is also a test for the Longhair Gene, Malignant Hyperthymia, Hyperuricosuria, Degenerative Myleopathy, Hypomyelination and Heart Examination - all negative. Travis has an extra DNA Profile and Spinal dysraphism.

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From this mating we expect medium to strong puppies, with beautiful body structure, beautiful forechest, noble head. Nice gray coat color. The puppies will have a huge potential for work, both parents are used all year round in hunting practice, so they will be perfect for hunting. They will also be suitable for show careers. And thus they will be ideal for breeding. In terms of character, we expect the kind of character that Travis and Chelsea have. So they will be suitable as family companions .

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We will be happy to take a walk with you, where you will get to know her, answer your questions and I will be happy to meet you as well.

I will post current photos regularly on our FB page, where you can follow us.- Forest Treasure kennel. After the puppies are born, there will be their diary, where I will add information about them.

 Litter "A" diary - 


Travis is International Show Champion, Grand Champion SK, Champion CZ,SK,HU, Junior Champion CZ,SK,HU and Puppy Champion SK.

He has autumn exams in I. price, which he won in the whole place! Special water works, forest trials, all-round tests - all included in I. price

Dentures are complete, scissor bite, without white markings.

Teeth: scissor bite, full dentitionTRAVIS AJ
White marks: NO
Hips: HD A/A
Elbows: ED 0/0
DCM (heart examination): negative 
Longhair gene (LHC): N/N clear
DNA profiled and DNA stored: YES
Malignant hypertemia (MH): N/N clear
Hyperurikosuria (HUU): N/N clear
Degenerative myleopatia (DM): N/N clear
Hypomyelinization (HYM): N/N clear
Spinal dysraphism (SD): N/N clear




For the most part, Travis has mostly English blood, but Czech and American blood are also represented to a lesser extent in his bloodline. The pedigree of Travis is a combination of two very successful English lines, namely the Gunalt line and the Sireva line.


By nature, Travis is a cheerful dog who loves people, constantly wagging his tail. He's also a big cuddle. At home, he is a good watchman, he does not miss anything and thus makes everything known loudly. He is non-confrontational at work, does not notice other dogs and does not cause fights unnecessarily.


 Exterior through the eyes of referees
Strong masculine type, strong bones with nicely modelled masculine head, correct eye and ear, excellent forechest, correct body format, excellent topline and underline, excellent angulations, tail well set and carried, spacious movement


 Work and hunting qualities
Travis is a very tasty dog. He loves fetching since he was a child, he likes to carry everything. The field has a solid exposure, nice search. He is a great lover of water, his willingness in deep water did not have to be trained by his owners at all, he goes into the water alone and with joy. It also works perfectly in the reeds, searches with great vigour and cannot be taken out of it until it brings something. He manages all forest disciplines without any problems.



all information about mother of our litter Chelsey is -  here

all information about Travis - here





If you are interested in a puppy from this connection, do not hesitate to contact us.


To book a puppy, contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

- state which gender you want

- Information about you

- your reason for getting a puppy (breeding, hunting, shows, as a pet, or other)